Congratulations on joining this Super Challenge journey to increase your results now, and to make every workout you do for the rest of your life more productive and more time efficient.
My goal with the Super Challenge/course is to solidify your understanding of the fundamental principles and practices we’re using. The better you grasp these, the more we can have fun and take your workouts to new levels in the gym. Plus, you’ll become equipped to get a higher quality workout anywhere and any time you work out for the rest of your life.
Whenever you need more explanation or clarity as we go along, please say something so that I can make sure to address it. The best way to do that is to post comments below each of these posts; that way everyone benefits.
About the long-term perspective:
You want fast results. We all do.
If you’re excited right now to get some great results, realize that a high level of excitement, commitment, and focus isn’t going to stay on your exercise routine forever. And it shouldn’t–there are a lot of amazing opportunities in life for you to pursue. If we can capitalize on your focus for a few weeks of serious learning, we can cement a foundation that will serve you the rest of your life…even when your focus and excitement drifts away from wanting to exercise.
Right now, for a few focused minutes per week, let’s channel your energy to setting up the knowledge and habits that will pay dividends for years into the future. One part of this is learning and practicing the skills of good exercise techniques. Even more important, though, is gaining the conceptual understanding of what is going on and how everything fits together to get you results, so that you don’t get derailed by the torrents of misinformation you’ll be encountering all around you for the rest of your life.
If you don’t understand things properly, you WILL drift away from doing what you need to do, because it’s too easy to follow the crowd you’re surrounded by if you don’t thoroughly understand for yourself what is correct. I’ve seen it happen too many times, and I don’t want it to happen to you…especially because I also know what is possible for you if you stick with the principles that work best.
I want to help you set up your fitness and health to be on “cruise control” by the end of this few weeks–so that you are getting excellent results almost automatically. You’ll always be able to add to your knowledge, but I want you to have a strong baseline that won’t slide back easily.
The understanding we’ll be building in this online Super Challenge will complement your live one-on-one workouts sessions. What you practice and learn in the weekly assignments here will improve your workouts at the gym with us. And the live feedback from us will further improve the understanding you gain here.
The small weekly investment of time in learning here will make your workouts both more effective and more time efficient. It’s an investment that I believe will pay off in net saved time within the current year, not to mention your results. If you’re serious about setting up your health and fitness on “auto-pilot,” I think this is an investment that is a must.
Other General Issues
This challenge/course will consist of very simple assignments. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to complete them all.
As you view each post, I recommend that you actually click on the title of the posts on the left side menu bar; this way, you will see the comment box below each post where you can easily post comments.
I’m excited to see what we can help you to achieve in the coming weeks.