Myogenics Fitness founder and Los Angeles personal trainer Chad Morris shows how a sponge can get you to a more productive workout.
Myogenics Fitness founder and Los Angeles personal trainer Chad Morris shows how a sponge can get you to a more productive workout.
Myogenics Fitness founder and Los Angeles personal trainer Chad Morris shares an insight about how some discomfort feels like it will continue to intensify indefinitely — how this affects both exercise and diet, and what you can do about it.
Myogenics Fitness founder and Los Angeles personal trainer Chad Morris shares two personal stories in response to a question about the last video blog.
Myogenics Fitness founder and Los Angeles personal trainer Chad Morris explains this common mistake the keeps the pounds on, and the solution.
Myogenics Fitness founder and Los Angeles personal trainer Chad Morris explains what to add to your cardio to get faster fat loss.
Myogenics Fitness founder and Los Angeles personal trainer Chad Morris shows two every-day, household items that are surprising keys to a more effective workout, if you know how to use them.
Myogenics Fitness founder and Los Angeles personal trainer Chad Morris gives a quick tip to save you a little time.
Myogenics Fitness founder and and Los Angeles personal trainer Chad Morris discusses understanding long-term exercise planning–and BBQ in Austin, Texas.
Myogenics Fitness founder and Los Angeles personal trainer Chad Morris discusses protecting yourself from fitness scams.
Chad Morris reveals a “secret” exercise tip from the IRS.
This video is the first of 3 that expose three hidden fitness tips the IRS is sending with tax refunds.
You can view the next two videos under “Video Blog” to the right.
Chad is the founder of Myogenics Fitness and a personal trainer in Los Angeles.