If you’ve completed Assignment #1 on the previous post, you understand the importance of setting an overall vision/goals for what you want. Now, we’re going to do just that.

Assignment #2: Set Your Goals

Start listening right here:
[wpaudio: url=”https://myogenicsfitness.com/platinum/media/platinumgoalsetting.mp3″ text=”Set Your Goals” dl=”0″]

CLICK HERE to open the pdf worksheet in a separate window

Assignment #3: Goal Setting Part Two: Get More Leverage

Start listening right here:
[wpaudio: url=”https://myogenicsfitness.com/platinum/media/platinumdosconversation.mp3″ text=”Set Your Goals part 2″ dl=”0″]

CLICK HERE to open the pdf worksheet in a separate window

Comment on this post that you have completed both goal setting exercises, and you’ll get credit for assignment #2 and #3.