In this blog:

  • another strength training benefit
  • see my new video
  • one of our trainers is on TV tonight!

1. Another Strength Training Benefit

A study published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise showed that after just three months of strength training, gastrointestinal transit time increases by as much as 56%.

Why this matters: gastrointestinal transit time has been associated with a higher risk of colon cancer.

Action step: maintain a regular strength-training routine, and lower your risk of colon cancer.


You can see a new video of the workout experience at Myogenics Fitness, with clips of a number of our clients working out and explaining what they think of it.

Check it out here:

Please comment below the video what you thought of it.

3. One of Our Trainers is on TV Tonight!

You can see one of our very own Myogenics Fitness personal trainers in Los Angeles, Scottie Epstein, as he helps to coach for Team Liddell on this season’s The Ultimate Fighter. The first show airs tonight at 10pm PST on the Spike network.

I was just talking to Chuck Liddell a few days ago, after his last workout at our LA gym, and I have to say that it is gratifying to have one of the top athletes in the world tell me that nothing compares to the workout he gets with us.

That’s especially gratifying given the fact that we specialize in working with busy professionals and with people who have often never done any exercise in their life before they come to see us.

It just goes to show that the fundamental principles that are most important for someone who is just starting out exercising will still be the most important aspects to get right, even if you manage to become a pro athlete.
