The year has started off with a bang–we’re getting new clients for personal training in our LA gym left and right.

It seems that a lot of people are seeing their health as a better investment than the markets right now, and we’re doing our best to make sure that is true for all of our clients.

But I had to take a five-minute break from the busyness to tell you about an exciting NEW book, hot off the presses, that, if you like my newsletters, well, the exercise science in this book is going to blow you away…

(please excuse typos, I wanted to get this to you quickly)

First, before I get to the “meat” of it, we have just a few remaining slots open for new clients, and I have a limited, one-time-only offer further down. It may be gone today, so if you’re interested, you’ll want to hurry.

Okay, back to the exciting development…

One of my most helpful resources when I first opened my gym 10 years ago was a brilliant doctor named Doug McGuff, M.D.

He is someone who, in addition to having a life-long passion for exercise, has spent decades as an M.D. acquiring an understanding of exercise so thorough that it’s fascinating to hear him tell the stories of even the simplest exercise phenomena.

What’s more, he can tell you exactly what to do to get the best results possible for just about any situation.

That’s why I’ve turned to him time and again over the years when we’ve had clients with special needs/circumstances.

Now he has co-authored a BRAND NEW book that is chock full of great information and advice.

I think it may be the best one-stop source for clear explanations of exercise, as well as step-by-step instructions to immediately use the techniques that will produce the best results for you.

If you’ve ever trained with us, I think you’ll love understanding on a deeper level why what we’re doing works so well. The chapter on global metabolic conditioning alone is worth the price of the book.

Also, the chapters “Ideal Training Programs for Athletes,” and “Ideal Training Programs for Seniors” (chapters 10 and 11) will be of particular interest to some.

You can see more about the book here:
Body by Science


If you’ve never trained with us before, I want to offer you a FREE copy of this book…but only if you act fast…

I have a challenge, an offer, and a guarantee for you:

THE CHALLENGE: I challenge you to take action on your desire to get in better shape, and schedule an Introductory Workout with us today. We’ll teach you more in that hour of hands-on instruction than you’ll learn in 5 years of working out with conventional trainers…or 10 years of training on your own.

Even the best book can’t give you the practical, usable, real-world understanding that you’ll walk away with after getting live feedback from an expert Los Angeles personal trainer who understands it all.

THE OFFER: For the next 10 people who sign up, I will personally reach into my wallet and buy you a copy of the book Body By Science. Just enter “free book offer” along with your description of goals on the application form and we will call you right back, today, to get you scheduled.

THE GUARANTEE: Yes, the Introductory Workout Sessionis only for serious people, and it is not free. However, I’m so confident that you’re going to love it, that if you schedule your session right now, I’m going to personally guarantee it…if you don’t love it and agree that it’s the best workout you’ve ever done, then I’ll refund your money. Plus, on top of the refund, if you’re one of the first 10 who schedule right now, you can even keep the book.

Now we have limited openings on our schedule, so only apply if you’re serious about getting great results this year. This isn’t for everyone, and if you’re not serious, please leave room for those who are.

If this is something you want or have been considering, don’t delay–there are over 5,834 people in LA who have subscribed to this announcement, so the 10 spots could go fast, and I don’t want you to miss out…on either the free book or the limited available spots we have for new clients.

How It Works

To health and life,